Stiga Supreme Table Tennis Racket Review

The Stiga Supremeir?source=bk&t=atabletennisracket 20&bm id=default&l=ktl&linkId=13d3809432b13171259f7174fd62ab33& cb=1439608183460 performance level racket has been drawing attention thanks to its uniquely assembled layers and technologies. This can be seen as a tournament-level racket which can also power up the game of novice and mid-level table tennis players.

It actually enhances the way one plays instead of hampering the performance, like it happens with many other models. It’s hard to find a balanced model when it comes to weight and rigidity, for example.

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Stiga proves that the matter of performance is not entirely about having a good surface to direct the ball appropriately and a suitable grip handle, but having a whole technology and multiple layers to stand behind all that.

The intelligence of the paddle design goes deeper. This is exactly what Stiga has been focused on – all the layer engineering that goes into making a flawless table tennis racket.

Thus, this ping pong paddleir?source=bk&t=atabletennisracket 20&bm id=default&l=ktl&linkId=d32c77bf660656e837454effcd16873b& cb=1439259266858 relies on a series of innovations for a superior cumulative effect. You have the Stiga ACS for superior control and improved speed, to name one. The tests have shown that the racket performance is indeed improved.

The ratings were as follows: speed of 90, 92 for spin and 89 for control, much better than what the other popular Stiga models have scored.

The intelligent speed-enhancing layers of Stiga Supreme

By all means, this is truly a speed-enhancing racket. The manufacturer has improved all of its layers through the following: Stiga Tube technology, WRB, Crystal Technology, and ACS.

The paddle is coated with a type of rubber that is ITTF approved, with a 2 mm sponge underneath. The ACS refers to minuscule air capsules that form an almost weightless rubber layer.

This elastic material is ideal for achieving high speeds. Furthermore, the surface of the blade is enhanced through Crystal Technology, a Stiga innovation for optimal impacts.

Through this, the surface is harder and this benefits the playing speed. WRB refers to how the weight is balanced out. When the blade hits the ball, the weight is shifted accordingly.

ir?source=bk&t=atabletennisracket 20&bm id=default&l=kia&linkId=0e8bda80b23f83850d76c000b82daec7& cb=1439263433668With this layering, no aspect is left aside. Stiga has paid attention to weight distribution and shifting, to impact force and its consequences, to balance, weight and shock absorption.

A surprisingly lightweight racket

If you’re expeStiga Supreme Racketir?source=bk&t=atabletennisracket 20&bm id=default&l=kia&linkId=6a3250b8ae0b16af0e8db33a110227c8& cb=1439265084121cting rackets at this level to be on the heavier side, you are in for a surprise. This model benefits of a 6-ply lightweight blade which features tube technology.

Besides the already mentioned results, this also ensures a substantially reduced weight. Players will thus observe that this helps them reduceir?source=bk&t=atabletennisracket 20&bm id=default&l=kia&linkId=227978ce5a9ec5b8f6a76dbda438061d& cb=1439264852622 the recovery time after each strike.

The Stiga tubes technology creates a layer which can have different properties. It depends on what those micro-tubes are filled with. Therefore, you can have a very light racket, like this one. In addition, this may help increase flexibility, too.

A lightweight racket is, of course, easier to control. The easier this comes to the user, the better the play becomes. The player thus gets to have a superior grip and control each move in a better way. Sure, there will be a certain amount of time until one learns how exactly to achieve this level of control, but it is worth it.

Features and Specifications

This paddle from Stiga cannot be summed up in just a few words. The entire specs list would do it more justice, so this is what you get:

Extra light 6-ply blade

  • Future Inverted Rubber
  • Strategic handle recess positioning
  • ITTF approval for tournament use
  • Weight Balance Technology
  • Microscopic air capsule layer for elasticity
  • 2 mm sponge on both sides
  • Anatomic Italian composite for the handle
  • Paddle weight of only ~5 ounces.

The rubber will last a long time when it’s handled with care. However, it will eventually lose its top shape. Should it call for a replacement, it can surely be done.

What Are the Users Saying about Stiga Supreme?

Existing reviews actually provide a wealth of information on how this racket performs. Buyers classify it as a racket in the semi-professional range and it’s generally receiving positive reviews. Casual players are pleased with it, too.

The performance largely depends on the kind of game you play. This is mostly recommended for the shakehand grip. Manipulation comes easier given its reduced weight. Also, it is much easier to handle thanks to its improved recess.

This is well placed on the handle, so it enhances the overall sensitivity.  The ball is then hit with greater precision. However, it doesn’t bounce off so easily though.

Additionally, this paddle is not at all as rigid as one may think, given the description. Still, it will improve anyone’s strokes. This is generally made for serious ping pong players, but also for beginners.

In fact, it’s been deemed as more suitable to beginners and to non-professional players. Nevertheless, this was also approved for the top levels, too.

Although this paddle is a little pricy (still, not even close to being the most expensive on the market), it makes no sense to replace it with a cheaper Stiga model. The quality and features largely differ.

As observed by many, it works better than Stiga Ultimate in terms of speed. It can push, return, block and chop more effectively so it’s more appropriate for the defense moves. Players may want to analyze their style and consider this.

If their game tends to be more defensive, then this racket would make a suitable choice for them.


Stiga Supreme may not be the best choice if you’re after a highly versatile paddle, especially for the reason highlighted above. You would be better off if you purchase a custom-made piece in that case and have it assembled as per your requirements.

However, note that this model is suitable to a wide range of players, from amateur to professional. It does help improve one’s game through its superior layers and grip and there are only very few situations in which one would require a more expensive racket.

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