Killerspin Kido 7p Table Tennis Racket Review

An ace Table Tennis player not only requires the highest level of training but also extremely high-quality equipment. The table tennis racket is one such piece of equipment that can make or break any professional’s game plan or skill set.

Killerspin Kido 7p is one such deadly tennis racket made with the latest technology, which adds power for any aggressive player while retaining the touch and the power to spin the ball.

With the ability to blend with all playing styles, the unit provides not only kick and power, but also precision placement, spin, and control.

It is an advanced ITTF-approved competition racket, which is specifically designed for aggressive all-around professional players or those aspiring to be one. It is not meant for slow or defensive players.

Features and Specifications

For tennis players who are not a fan of carbon blades, this table tennis racket is the perfect wood alternative. Made of seven wood plies, its custom-designed blade is amazingly tough with the perfect balance of spin, speed, and control.

The unit comes in two handles form-straight and flared. Selecting any handle is a matter of personal choice and style.

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The 3-7/8-inch handle is a little narrow for some, but its nice grainy finish actually gives a much firmer finish with a smoother feel. Apart from it, it has two ITTF-approved Fortissimo rubbers, which so far look unbeatable in providing you the best speed, spin, and control.

Delivered pre-assembled it indeed comes in-built with the highest standards, which is a pre-requisite for any tournament level rackets. The paddle with its 16-inch racket thickness, 7-wood piles, and two rubbers are unique qualities assisting the game of any advanced or expert tennis player.

The paddle with 300 grams weight is quite heavy, for which the player should be prepared. Its other specifications are-

  • Head dimensions: 6″ x 6 1/4″
  • Racket thickness: 9/16″
  • Speed: 10.9
  • Spin: 9.4.
  • Control: 9.

Game Behavior

During the play, while being faster and more powerful, the blade has a small bit softer touch and a nice dwell time to load the spin. For a wood blade, its straightforward linear range of gears reciprocates your shots well regardless of the ball going into orbit or diving from below the net.

The Killerspin Kido 7Pir?source=bk&t=atabletennisracket 20&bm id=default&l=ktl&linkId=9dfe25ed939b3c2aa6b4fe8c2840dc50& cb=1443352330758 works great in a short game with a nice vibration reverberating down the handle. Pushes and blocks are nicely crisp with just perfect bounce.

While looping or driving against any block, it remains fast and sharp with the right spin to set your game a notch higher. Devoid of any nasty surprise, the unit behaves with a dreamlike and seamless quality.

If the speed glue is counter-looped, it provides extra kick and space with the perfect glue sound. However, the glue disappears over time. Testing by expert players shows that all players should seal the blade even though it comes pre-sealed before gluing the rubbers on it.

The blade surface tends to show a little feathering after gluing and removing rubbers multiple times. Sealing eliminates any inconvenience.

The Cost

The unit costs over $200, but it can be easily procured at around $170 from The price though trifle expensive is worth every penny for any professional or otherwise serious player for whom precision and top-of-the-line quality is crucial for their game skill and strategy.

Apart from providing control and speed, this paddle has also earned a reputation for resilience and longevity. The unit is not worth a buy for any casual or occasional player.

Customer’s Reviews and Scores

Killerspin Kido 7p has an online average rating of 3.4/5. Most customers give it the credit of the spiniest paddle, which really grabs the ball firmly to throw it well. Even more impressive was Killerspin’s customer service and commitment to quality.

Every complaint is paid heed to and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction. Most felt that given the pricing, the presentation was way below standard, but we’re quite happy with its performance.


A maestro instrument, the Killerspin Kido 7pir?source=bk&t=atabletennisracket 20&bm id=default&l=ktl&linkId=95dcb559ce0974c211a285d6f645ba9e& cb=1443352772821 is well worth a buy. Although purchasing a racket case and foam cleaner is also sensible. The unit tends to collect dust and hence requires regularly clean.

Any looper or an all-rounder who is on the lookout for a blade to provide that extra edge to his game cannot ignore the unit.

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